Thursday, May 04, 2006

Money or Interest?

With the next academic year starting in a month or so, parents are rushing towards premier institutions to apply for programmes. But do they have a word from their wards. I have seen a lot of my fellow students being 'pushed' into doing a degree that they didn't have any liking for, due to peer pressure. I agree that money does have a role to play as eventually, everybody wants to earn a quick buck and settle in life, But is it worth it to sacrifice individual interests just for the sake of making money?

The most likely degree that parents would want is for their children to become a doctor. Mainly because of the fast buck that is likely to be made. Most of the children give in to peer pressure to take up the course that is decided by their parents, leaving little way for interests to come in. Can this be agreed upon? Let people decide what they want to do! Counsel with them, give them their likely choices. And then let them decide. This will make them more responsible, instead of disinterested students faring very badly in studies.

Money is the root of all evil.


At 5:58 PM, May 05, 2006, Blogger சிவபார்கவி said...

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let me to say bye..bye.

At 11:38 PM, May 05, 2006, Blogger சிவபார்கவி said...

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At 12:11 AM, May 06, 2006, Blogger சிவபார்கவி said...

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